Life has been beautifully full lately, and I’ve missed the last couple of Five Minute Fridays. But I’m back! I appreciate this wonderful Five Minute Friday community. When you have to step away for a time, they welcome you back with open arms. FMF is when many gather to free-write on the same one word prompt for five minutes. Kate keeps us connected at her online space, where we share and encourage. I invite you to check it out and try it on your own.
This week’s word:
There’s just something about the cheers of others.
Something happens inside of us when we hear others spurring us on to keep going, to keep moving forward, to make it to the finish line. Triumphantly.
I can remember in high school sports my parents in the stands cheering for me. Their presence and words made a difference in how I played.
I remember my husband speaking words of encouragement to me during childbirth. I’m not sure I could have done it without his help, and his encouragement.
Just the other day, someone out of the blue voiced words I needed to hear. They cheered me on in my writing, and in my calling.
We all can benefit from the cheers of others.
We all need another’s words of encouragement, of inspiration, of “you can do it,” of “I believe in you.”
Life can get downright discouraging. Problems can overwhelm us. Schedules can run us ragged. Success can seem so far away. At times we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Then there’s laundry, and raising young ones, and caring for aging parents, and paying bills, and illnesses, and death.
We all can use some cheer, and someone in your life and mine could use some today.
If we look around us, we’ll see them. That one who has more month than money. The one who could use a reminder she is capable and talented. The one who needs to be reminded “tough times don’t last, but tough people do.” The one who has stopped along the journey because it’s just getting too hard to keep going.
And quite possibly, that one is you. Friend, keep your chin up, and your eyes raised. God has you in the palm of His hand, and He’s with you, guiding you safely to the finish line. I’m cheering you on, every step of the way.
(Okay, I wen’t seven minutes instead of five.)
Praying you feel God’s mighty presence today. Let’s go about cheering others on in this journey called life.
Much love,

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We’ve missed you friend! So glad to see you here. Yes, let’s cheer one another on. It truly can and does make a difference. I wouldn’t have made it through seminary without my cheerleaders. I’m in the #7 spot this week.
Hey, friend! You and your friendship are such a gift to me. Thank you for being one who continually cheers me on! Bless you.
I always feel cheered when I read your posts, my friend! Keep on cheering us on! When I run races, I always cheer for those who stand by the road with cowbells and clapping–it takes a special kind of person to cheer strangers on :).
I love what you do when you run races, Anita. You are such an encourager! Thanks for stopping over and sharing here. It’s always a joy to see your beautiful face! Blessings1
Glad to have you back with us, Julie! Thank you for being one of those people you describe above, who takes time to notice, show compassion, and encourage. I appreciate you!
Hi Kate! Thank you, friend. I sure hope one of these days we can meet in real life! Thanks for doing all you do for this amazing FMF community. Bless you!
Hi Julie. These are beautiful, inspiring words! Yes to this: “Let’s go about cheering others on in this journey called life” Blessed to be your neighbour at the #FMF link up. )
Hi Joy! I sure appreciate you stopping by. Hope your weekend has been blessed!