Eight Words Of Impact

by | Jan 2, 2015 | Love Others, personal journey

“Be someone who matters to someone who matters.”

Be someone who matters to someone who matters.I thought at first I read the words wrong. But as I stood there a minute longer, I realized my eyes were correct the first time.

I thought, “That’s pretty cool,” and walked on.

But that evening at home, those eight words came back again.

“Be someone who matters to someone who matters.”

Days later it’s still bouncing through this more-than-I-care-to-admit jumbled-up brain of mine. Kind of like a headache, if it stays around long enough, it begins to consume me.

I shared earlier this week that I didn’t yet have a #OneWord for 2015. You know, I’m not sure I’m supposed to. If you don’t have one yet, friend, don’t convince yourself this new year is already a flop. God might just have something else planned for you.

As I discussed this with a close friend this week, she helped me see that quite possibly God might have something different for this simple girl. My friend also jogged my memory of the words that had an imprint on me in 2014:  journey, joy, trust, obey, live, encourage. Yes, not #OneWord, but a handful of them.

But, these new eight words. What do I make of them??

I’m someone who, for as long as I can remember, has had a passion to live a full and vibrant life.

I yearn to be someone who has a positive influence in this world, and in the lives of others.

I desire to love God and love others, each and every day of this life I’m blessed to journey through.

My heart earnestly wants to share with others the joy I’ve found in Jesus, but in a way that’s real, transparent, non-condescending, and understandable.

I’m called to encourage, and to make an impact.

Oh, wait.


I desire to make a positive impact!

impactMaybe that’s my word for 2015?? Or maybe not.

But when I look at, “be someone who matters to someone who matters,” I think IMPACT.

impact: make an impression, be an influence, have meaning, significance, make an imprint, leave a mark.

–Every single person matters, and treating them as such.
–Moving out of my comfort zone, away from my security net, forgetting “me” to invest in another’s life.
–To make a positive difference for another.
–To draw attention, not to me, but to my Savior.
–To make someone else’s life better by being in it.
–To spread joy–true, lasting joy–every where I go.
–To live beyond myself, and trust God wholeheartedly.

That’s impact, and that’s how I long to live in 2015.

God bless you, friend, in this new year and beyond. And, may we each be someone who matters to someone who matters.

Much love,




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  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Well, I suppose it’s a good word, but it pretty well describes my diving-board skills when I was a kid.

    The “eight words”…I would actually rephrase them.

    Be some who matters to someone about whom the world could not care less.

    That’s, like, thirteen words.

    I know that everyone matters to God, but in the temporal that almost becomes a cliche. We’ve got to matter in a way that transcends even our own faith, and in that transcendence let our lives – perhaps – be consumed.

    There is a poem by Housman that set my feet on the course that shaped my life, and made me what I am today. It’s about being willing to go to the dark places.

    “These, in the day that Heaven was falling,
    the hour when Earth’s foundations fled,
    followed their mercenary calling
    and took their wages, and are dead.

    “Their shoulders held the sky suspended.
    They stood, and Earth’s foundations stay.
    What God abandoned, these defended
    and saved the sum of thing for pay.”

    There are certainly safer ways to make more money, but the mercenary calling is the only way to get out there and shape policy with the heart and the fist, according to your own lights.

    And there is NOTHING like the look in the eyes of people who’re resigned to a world that wrote them off, when someone’s come to make the darkness go away.

    Not many things worth dying for, but to pull the abandoned ones out of hell’s own fires…yeah. It is.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Andrew, I have to agree with you about that look in the eyes of those who feel written off, forgotten about, abandoned by the world. When someone sees them for who they are, and comes to take the darkness away, that look is amazingly beautiful. I’ve seen it time and time again. I hope to see more in 2015. Happy New Year!

  2. Betty Draper

    Impact, I like that word, it has power but will take courage to exercise it but it will reap great rewards and one can gain such insight when we allow ourselves to make an impact on others. Hey that kind of sounds like how Jesus operated.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Betty! Yes, I was thinking about that last evening. No one made an impact on this world like Jesus did! And what an impact He had! Thank you for stopping in today and for sharing your thoughts. Have a blessed day!

  3. Ellen Chauvin

    Hello sweet Julie! You definitely live and full and vibrant life, and are making an impact on all those you reach! Keep writing, keep loving, keep encouraging!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, dear friend. It’s a gift to see your beautiful face and read your lovely words here today. May God bless you in the new year and beyond! I’m thankful for you today, Ellen. Much love!

  4. Mary

    Julie, I love it! Eight words-think out of the box. That’s a great saying, and yes, impact certainly does fit the bill. I had several one words and got confused as to which one was “the” word. When I got still, the Holy Spirit whispered, “Disciple.” Oddly, all the other “one words” that I thought were my word fit into the word “disciple.” So there you go! We can’t limit God and we certainly can’t limit ourselves to only one word. I would die if everything I said had to be limited to one word! HAHA.. Great post.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Good thoughts, Mary! I love the word “disciple.” It encompasses so much! I’m thankful today God points us in the right direction, and gives us what we need, when we need it to carry out His plan for our lives. Whether our words are “disciple,” or “impact,” or another word, we can trust He’ll be with us in this new year! I’m glad, too, He doesn’t limit us to one word only. Have a blessed week!

  5. Sabra Penley

    Love this word, Julie! You have already been a big impact in my life. Thanks for taking me along on your journey and encouraging in my own.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Sabra, thank you for being a sojourner of mine in 2014. I look forward to our travels in faith together in 2015! I’m thankful God crossed our paths, and would love to meet you in person soon, dear friend! Have a blessed week!

  6. Betsy

    Your “8 Words” title piqued my interest since I read it a few days ago. You are such an encourager and an influencer, Julie. You are ALREADY having a great impact! May the Lord bless you this year and cause that impact to increase! (Jabez prayer. 🙂 )

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Besty. I appreciate your prayer, too! You bless me each time you stop by. Have a blessed week, my friend!


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Julie Lefebure
Be someone who matters to someone who matters.
25 Simple Ways to Love Your Neighbor
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