What Does Easter Mean To You?

by | Apr 16, 2017 | Love God, personal journey

Each Easter morning I would wake to the thrill of finding some variation of eggs expertly hidden throughout our home. My three brothers and I would wait for the go ahead signal from our parents before beginning our hunt. Once found, we’d spend a good part of the day re-hiding them and finding them again.

I also remember our Easter baskets, filled with chocolate eggs, marshmallow bunnies, and my least favorite, Peeps. And, Easter wasn’t complete until we stuffed ourselves at our extended-family dinners. Oh, they were yummy!

Those early Easter memories are pretty special to me.

I can recall all six of us going to church on Easter morning, even though I couldn’t quite comprehend what was so special about this Sunday compared to the others. I understood this man, Jesus, was no longer in the tomb, but what did this have to do with me?

Maybe today you’re wondering the same thing.

What does Jesus’ empty tomb have to do with me?

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.” Matthew 28:5-7 NIV

I can’t quite put my finger on the year it all came together, but the truth of Easter became one that forever changed my life.

I somehow understood the sins of the entire world–even mine–were placed on Jesus. When He willingly died an awful death on a cross, all those sins, including mine–past, present, and future–were paid for. Jesus’ body was placed in a grave and it was sealed with a stone rolled in front of its entrance.

The grave couldn’t keep Jesus there.

God raised Jesus on Easter Sunday. And, for every person who believes this truth, the same power that raised Jesus from death lives in each one of us. It will raise us too. Even though our bodies may die, our souls will not. And we will forever live in the presence of Jesus, our Savior. Forever and ever, Amen!

So, what does Jesus’ empty tomb have to do with us?


What does Easter mean to me?

Because Jesus lives, I live.

I can live forgiven.

I can live free.

Free to be happy and joy-filled.

The peace of Jesus fills my life.

I can share that peace with others.

Hope is my reality.

Jesus is coming back for me and will take me with Him.

I will one day see those who have died before me.

What does Easter mean to you?

So, what does Easter mean to you?

I’d love to read your words below. And, if we believe differently, that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.

I still enjoy my favorite peanut butter eggs. I’ve continued the tradition of an egg hunt in our home each Easter, And, yes, even though our son is 20 years old, he still searched and found them in special hidden places here at home this morning. Attending Easter worship service together as a family was a beautiful gift, and Easter dinner with extended family was extra-special.

Easter is worth celebrating. Not only today, but every day! Happy Easter, my friend. Thank you for the honor of coming by the blog today. I pray we live in the resurrection of Jesus every day.



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  1. Tara L Ulrich

    Ever since I heard this quote from Clarence W Hall, it’s embodied Easter for me: “Easter says you can put death in the grave but it won’t stay there!” Happy Easter friend!

  2. Kim

    Hi Julie,

    This question, I was stunned that at first I could not even answer it. It remained in my thoughts though. I went to bed thinking on it, and kept being reminded of it throughout my day today. As I dwelt on it, trying to figure out a response, I finally settled on 2 things. First, Easter represents Hope. I’m finally seeing a glimmer of light in this difficult year and I am feeling Hope. It is no longer just talk of remembering Hope, or clinging to Hope to get through, but actually surrendering and as a result, feeling it.

    Why I didn’t get that immediately I don’t know. Hope is my word for 2017, and I have needed it every single day so far. But Easter also means Promise. Jesus is coming back. And in the months to come, as I continue to serve, walk through hard, listen in the stillness and quiet, I know Easter Sunday can be any day I invite Jesus in to.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, I love your words here! Thank you for sharing them. Your word for 2017 is powerful. Hope is one of those words that carries with it layers. I’m sorry your year has been a difficult one so far. I’m adding you to my daily prayers, if that’s okay. But you’re right, Easter is hope. I love that! Yet, as you described, it’s also promise. You’ve challenged me here to embrace Easter Sunday every day… not just one day a year. I’m thankful we have Jesus as our promise! I appreciate you, Kim. May God shine His light in your world today. Much love!

      • Kim

        Thank you Julie. I appreciate your prayers. You have described Hope so perfectly! Layers. I am finding that to be very true. Hope seems to be connected to so many spiritual and biblical words. Blessings friend.

        • Julie Lefebure

          I continue to pray, Kim. God loves you and so do I. Keep resting in the hope we both have in Him! #hope2017 Hugs, friend.


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