No Longer Living Under The Burden Of Regret

by | Jun 1, 2016 | personal journey

In Sunday’s post I shared how a number of recent life-awakening moments have led me to a fresh mindset. One that embraces not only making the most of each moment of each day, but prompts me to examine what impact I’m making in the world around me.

One of the biggest questions I have asked myself in all of this is, am I living life with no regrets? When I get to the end of my life on this earth, I want to say I lived the life I was given with not even one..

But today, on my own, I can’t say that. Because throughout these 40-some years, I have many.

I regret not being more patient with my aging parents.

I regret the times I smothered my children, instead of mothering them.

I regret some not-God-honoring choices I have made in the past.

I regret harsh words spoken, unkind thoughts and actions, and judgmental attitudes.

I regret self-righteous inclinations, selfish ambitions, self-indulgent schemes.

I have many more, but if I continue listing them all, this post will last until next Tuesday.

It’s a wonder I’ve made it in life this far. With any hope. With any friends. With a husband who still loves me. I mean, really. I look back and can see just how many regrets I have, and the burden can feel overwhelmingly heavy.

I would venture to say you might also have a few regrets of your own. Regrets aren’t fun to live with. They can be hard to shake, and easy to stay stuck in.

Burden of regret isn't God's best for usBut staying buried under the burden of regret isn’t God’s best for us.

Jesus said He came to give us life, a full and abundant life. He came to open the way for us to live an abundant life forever, and all who chose this life will be eternally blessed.

When we live with this kind of promise in front of us, regrets fall by the wayside.

When we give God our mess-ups, our mistakes, our regrets, He removes them from us. And not only that, He doesn’t hold those things against us. Ever.

We don’t have to live under the burden of regret any longer.

No, you and I will never be perfect this side of eternity. But our God is. With Him by our side, we can say with confidence,

“I am living the life God blessed me with, and through Him I have no regrets.”

Through Him I have no regretsAmen, and amen!

Bless you friend! I’d love to hear from you today. What burden of regret can you give to God and let go of today? I’m cheering you on. Join me in making it the #bestsummerever!




Linking this post with Suzie Eller and friends for #livefreeThursday.

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  1. Carly

    It is easy to get caught up in our regrets and to think of things we wish we’d done differently, but you’re right- this is not God’s best for us. We need to give our regrets to him and know his grace and forgiveness. And I love how he can work good even from our mistakes. #LiveFreeThursday

    • Julie Lefebure

      I love how He does that too, Carly. And I’m so thankful He does! I appreciate you coming by and sharing. Thank you! Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Sarah E Koontz (@sarahekoontz)

    Regret is so dangerous, isn’t it? The problem with regret is that you can’t change the past. So unless you find another solution, you will be stuck in that place of regret forever. Praise be to God, who has shown us another way!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Sarah. When we mess up, He can still use it for good. I’m thankful through Him, regret dissolves and disappears. Thanks for coming over. Have a blessed day!


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Through Him I have no regrets
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